Photo by K. Moran, 2014

Lake Whatcom is a vital resource, providing drinking water, recreation and wildlife habitat to our community. The City of Bellingham, Whatcom County, and the Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District formed the Lake Whatcom Management Program in 1998 to coordinate programs and projects that restore, protect and preserve Lake Whatcom and its surrounding watershed. 

Photo by T. Ward, 2015

Our Progress

Learn more about program goals and actions. Track our progress.

Photo by G. Mednick, 2019

Get Involved

Learn more about actions you can take to help prevent pollution and protect Lake Whatcom.

Photo by City of Bellingham, 2018

What's New

Learn more about Lake Whatcom Management Program news, meetings, and events.

Blodel Donovan Beach Temporarily Closed Due To Sewage Spill

Water quality testing underway, public advised to avoid contact

A sewage spill occurred on September 11 at Lake Whatcom during construction work on the Electric Avenue bridge repair project. At approximately 5:00 p.m., the contractor driving piles into the lake inadvertently struck an underground sewer line. Our technology had indicated the line was located in a different position, leading to the unexpected rupture. An estimated 25,000 to 50,000 gallons of raw sewage was released into the lake.

Swift action was taken to contain the spill and minimize its impact. The line was immediately shut off, and sewer service was redirected to an adjacent line, restoring service to the affected area.

As a precautionary measure, access to the beach at Bloedel Donovan Park remains temporarily closed until water quality testing confirms that there are no residual concerns. Community members, including dogs, should avoid contact with water in the areas near Bloedel Donovan Park until we can confirm water quality impacts. While we anticipate that the spill will dilute as it mixes with other waters, we are monitoring the situation closely to assess any potential downstream or ecological effects.

The City of Bellingham is closely monitoring the situation and working with the contractor and regulatory agencies to address the spill and ensure the safety of the public and the environment. Updates on the situation will be provided as more information becomes available.

Next Steps for Lake Whatcom Management Program 2025-2029 Work Plan

Thank you to everyone who provided input on the draft Lake Whatcom Management Program 5-year Work Plan! The public comment period closed on August 25. Over the coming months, staff will review comments and incorporate feedback into the 2025-2029 work plan. A summary of the feedback received will be made publicly available in the fall. To download a copy of the draft plan and learn more visit Lake Whatcom Management Program - Draft 2025-2029 Work Plan. 

Photo of a lake surrounded by houses and trees changing color. Below the photo is text which reads, "Share your comments on the Lake Whatcom Work Plan. " Photo by Jeffrey Barclay.

Draft Lake Whatcom Management Program Work Plan Accepting Public Comment 

As Lake Whatcom Management Program partners, the City of Bellingham, Whatcom County, and Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District work together to develop a coordinated five-year work plan to meet program goals for the protection of Lake Whatcom and its watershed. The 2025-2029 draft work plan is now available for public review and comment. To download a copy of the draft plan and learn more visit Lake Whatcom Management Program - Draft 2025-2029 Work Plan.

Posted: July 24th 2024

Be Safe and Watch Your Wake

It's summer finally! Be safe when you’re out on the lakes. Boating speed rules and no wake zones on Lake Whatcom and Lake Samish keep swimmers and boaters safe and protect the shoreline from erosion.  Less erosion is better for water quality and protects shoreline vegetation and property.  Review speed and safety rules for Lake Whatcom on our On the Lake Safe Boating page.

Posted: June 26, 2024

Check Your Motor. Protect Lake Whatcom.

Check your motor before you head out onto the lake this season: cleaner, low emission motors are required on Lake Whatcom and Lake Samish to protect water quality. Look for the label on your motor and make sure it has at least one star. Visit our Check Your Motor page to learn more.

Posted June 21, 2024

Update: Electric Avenue Bridge Partially Reopened

Following a one-week full closure, the Electric Avenue bridge over Whatcom Creek is now open to one lane of traffic, controlled by temporary traffic signals and a 24-ton weigh limit. This temporary solution is necessary due to critical structural issues identified in a recent inspection. Engineers are currently working on a long-term solution and it may be some time before you see active construction on the bridge. Pedestrian access remains open on the east side sidewalk and bicycles should share the traffic lane and obey traffic signals and all traffic laws. Planning and funding efforts are underway for a full bridge reconstruction project. We will keep the community updated on the progress through the Electric Avenue bridge project webpage.  

Impacts to Lake Whatcom and Lake Samish This Summer

This year there are several construction improvements coming to parks and boat launches in Whatcom County. Be aware of these projects and plan your trips accordingly!

Bloedel Donovan Construction - Starting June 3, Bloedel Donovan Park will be impacted by construction as crews replace electrical lines and stormwater infrastructure around the Bloedel Donovan Multipurpose Room. The project is expected to be completed in the Fall. Park and lake access, boat launches, swim docks, the Bloedel Boathouse, Whatcom Rowers building, playgrounds, and restrooms will also remain open during construction. Find more information and answers to frequently asked questions at Bloedel Donovan Building Renovations.

Lake Samish Bridge Construction - Starting June 3rd 2024 and running until Summer of 2025, Lake Samish Park will be closed for the N. Lake Samish Bridge Replacement Project. Additionally, the pedestrian bridge along the lakeside trail near the boat dock will be closed and repaired during the parks closure. Boat launches are open but access to the western basin of Lake Samish will be closed. For more updates and information, visit Whatcom County’s N. Lake Samish Bridge project page. 

South Bay Boat Launch Closure - Lake Whatcom’s South Bay boat launch will be closed to all traffic from Monday, June 3 to Friday, June 14 while it is being paved. The boat launch is scheduled to re-open Saturday, June 15.