
What are bacteria?


Coliform bacteria...

Fecal coliform bacteria...

Why should I care?

The presence of fecal coliform bacteria indicates that there are feces from a warm-blooded animal contaminating the water. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is the most common form of fecal coliform bacteria and although normally present in the digestive tract of humans and other mammals, contact with outside strains can lead to infection and serious illness.

The more closely related the animal is to humans, the greater the chances are for infection to occur if humans come into contact with the bacteria either through ingestion of contaminated water or while swimming. Ingestion of other organisms who may have accumulated the bacteria in their system may also result in infection.

In 1998, 11 of Lake Whatcom's tributaries were listed as impaired waterbodies because they failed to meet state water quality standards due to high fecal coliform counts. These resulting water quality problems triggered a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) study by the Washington Department of Ecology.

How does fecal coliform bacteria enter our lakes and streams?

The most common sources for E. coli include:

Just a few grams of pet waste can contain millions of fecal coliform colonies.

What can I do to help?
